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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

A breast reduction is a plastic surgery procedure for decreasing the size of a woman’s breast as well as reshaping of the breast. Excessive size and weight of breasts can often cause discomfort. Those seeking breast reduction surgery are often looking for relief from physical symptoms resulting from this.

Large heavy breasts can cause breathing difficulties, back, shoulder and neck pain, poor posture and chafing. In addition, excessive breast size is a common cause of a decrease in self confidence and concerns about appearance.

Breast Reduction

During your consultation, you will be asked about your desired breast size and any other improvements you wish to be made. Understanding expectations will help both yourself and the surgeon determine prior to surgery whether or not your desired outcome can be realistically achieved.

The procedure involves the removal of fat and glandular tissue located within the breast. The excessive skin resulting from the procedure is also removed, resulting in an overall decrease in the volume of the breast. Following your surgery, the breasts will be more proportional to the rest of your body.

Breast Reduction

Typically, three incisions are made. One is made around the areola, another vertically from the areola to the crease underneath the breast and a third following the natural curve of the breast crease. Once the targeted tissue, fat and skin are removed, the breast is reshaped.

Initial discomfort following the procedure typically subsides day by day, and can be controlled by oral medication. You will be instructed to wear a support bra for a few weeks, usually until the swelling and bruising diminishes. Depending on your job, it may be possible to return to daily activities and work within a couple of weeks. Scars from the procedure will usually fade in 6-12 months.