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When to Consider Hair Restoration

Sep 01, 2023
Whether you wear yours short, long, or somewhere in between, thinning hair can affect your self-confidence and overall sense of well-being. Can a surgeon help? Yes. Learn more about the causes of hair loss and when to see a specialist.

Millions of men and women in the United States struggle with hair loss. Fortunately, medical research and technology have kept pace with the growing demands to slow or reverse hair loss by developing surgical and nonsurgical treatments.

Plastic surgeon Brian Blumenauer, MD, at Oceana Aesthetics in Stuart, Florida, offers surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic services designed to meet your aesthetic goals. His specialties include transplant procedures to replace lost and thinning hair.

Here's what Dr. Blumenauer considers before recommending a hair transplant.

Hair loss basics

Hair loss is a common concern among people of all ages, and there are many reasons why it can occur, such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress, poor nutrition, and aging. Thus, the first step in considering hair restoration is identifying what’s behind the loss.

Dr. Blumenauer may suggest a hair transplant if aging or other uncontrollable factors are at work.

When should I consider a hair transplant?

Factors that may indicate you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure include:  

You’re experiencing pattern baldness

The most common reason people seek hair transplants is androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male or female pattern baldness. This genetic condition leads to thinning hair and receding hairlines.

If non-surgical treatments, such as minoxidil or finasteride, haven't given you satisfactory results, then a hair transplant might be your next step.

Your hair loss is stable

A hair transplant is most successful when hair loss is stable. If you're in your early 20s and experiencing hair loss, it may progress as you age. Transplanting hair too early might result in a patchy appearance later.

In that case, Dr. Blumenauer may recommend medication or therapies, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) scalp injections to help slow the hair loss and encourage new growth.

Your hair loss is caused by injury or scarring

You may benefit from a hair transplant if you’ve lost hair due to injuries or certain types of scarring. These transplants can help restore hair to these areas and create a more natural appearance.

You have sufficient donor hair

Dr. Blumenauer uses the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method to perform hair transplants. During this procedure, he uses a device to remove individual hair follicles from donor sites at the back or sides of the scalp, relocating them to the thinning or balding areas.

The FUE method offers more natural-appearing results and very minimal, if any, scarring, eliminating the “hair plug” look of traditional hair transplants. However, any hair transplant procedure requires adequate healthy hair in the donor area(s) for a successful transplant.

Nonsurgical treatments haven't worked

Before considering surgery, many people try nonsurgical treatments, such as topical applications, oral medications, or laser therapy. If these treatments haven't produced the desired results after consistent use, it might be time to consider a transplant.

You're physically healthy

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure, albeit a minor one. Thus, to help ensure a successful transplant, conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, certain skin diseases, or infections should be managed before you undergo the procedure.

You're prepared for post-procedure care

After a hair transplant, specific care steps must be followed to ensure success and avoid complications. This might involve taking medications, avoiding certain activities, and following specific scalp and hair care instructions for several weeks.

If you're losing hair or have thinning areas and want to learn more about your restoration options, book an appointment online or over the phone with Oceana Aesthetics today.